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Record 8/162
Portrait Name: C.Armstrong Back (l-r) Clara Armstrong, Bella Chamberlain, Harriet Parker, Jennie Armstrong; Front (l-r) Sophia Hall, Martha Cooke, Mary Castle, Lizzie Johnson Birth Yr: 1840 Death Yr: 1904 Name 2: B.Chamberlain Birth Yr 2: 1838 Death Yr 2: 1901 Name 3: H. Parker Birth Yr 3: 1837 Death Yr 3: 1929 Name 4: J. Armstrong Birth Yr 4: 1836 Death Yr 4: 1871 Case Description: Geometric design. Mat Description: Patterned; oval window 1/4 plate half case case leather preserver tinting
Daguerreotype and Ambrotype Collection -Daguerreotype -Copyright Mission Houses Museum

COPYRIGHT INFORMATION ~ The images contained in this virtual exhibit are the sole property of Mission Houses Museum.

A National Historic Landmark ~ The Mission Houses Museum and Library are programs of the Hawaiian Mission Children's Society, a not-for-profit organization founded in 1852.~ 553 South King Street, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813-3002 Tel: (808) 447-3910 Fax (808) 545-2280 [email protected]     [email protected]
Last modified on: August 26, 2010